Monday, April 12, 2010

Yeah I'll Clean it up when I'm Done...

...and other bold faced lies from my 5 year old.  So immediately after I vent yet another of my parental failures-I will be consistent and make my 5 year old clean the bathroom. 

The girls love bath time. Before their food has even digested after dinner, they are rearing to hop in the tub. Both try repeatedly to show proficiency in pouring their own baths. Both fail. Miserably.  In the 4 and 5 year old world- overflow is not a problem- it is fun. Bathtime is no longer a hygienic necessity- but a means of water play. I allow it because it is the only thing that provides me with a few minutes scream free to do the dishes when Phil is not home in time for dinner. I usually finish dishes before they are ready to get out and even sometimes get a little vaccuuming or mopping done after I hear- I'm not ready yet- I want to PLAAAAAAY.

30 minutes ago, Lily ran into the kitchen where I was filling out forms to get a permit to host the Lemonade stand at the park by our house. She tells me "Bella has a full sink(That explains the running water sound for the past few minutes- she has a bit of a toothbrushing/handwashing habit- so it takes a few minutes for it to register. I pick my battles. No need to fight oral hygiene with that one. Not a good precedent- stop brushing your teeth! That just sounds silly.  Phil- who pays the water bill is not nearly as lenient..) Can I give Aladdin and Barbie a bath in the bathroom?  Will you clean it up when you are done?Yeah, just in the sink- she starts backing away- Say it!  "I will clean it up when I am done."  So I go about my business and enjoy the quiet while they(because Bella wouldn't miss out on a little waterplay to save her life) give aforementioned Barbie dolls a little rinse in the bathroom sink. I worry that Jasmine is being replaced by surfer Barbie. A little while later I notice Bella is curled up on the couch, naked. Not surprising- anytime there is water play she automatically begins to strip down. The half gallon of sweet tea I sucked down while fundraiser planning is starting to take effect and I hobble to the bathroom. This is what greets me.......

Apparently "don't make a mess on the floor" Translates to 'line available surfaces with all the clean washcloths".Lilster is not present and I call her in to inquire....she is enjoying a rousing game of wii as evidenced by the controllers in hand.......

I thought you were going to clean it up? " I will- I'm playing wii while they play in the bath."  Apparently they were not ready yet, they wanted to PLAAAAAYYYY.  I don't know if I can be so lenient on this one....and really Jasmine can not be ok with this. 

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